Wednesday 29 July 2015

These Are 7 Things Successful People Don't Do---READ

Sometimes for us to compare ourselves to our own realistic ideals,we do compare ourselves to others.

So what is it about these people we are comparing ourselves to? 
The people we see as "successful"? 
I'll bet you can spot the following traits in nearly all of them:
Here's what successful people don't do:

1. Let their past define their future.
~ As you become emotionally mature in your career and your relationships you come to see that the mistakes you made in the past don't set your parameters, and they don't prevent you from accelerating into the future. Only your beliefs do that. Successful people are able to learn from the past and incorporate those hard earned lessons with grace and ease into TODAY.

2. Gossip.
~ Successful people know that without a doubt what you give you get. If you gossip, others will gossip about you. If you put people down behind their back, someone will do the same to you. What we give, we receive. And our thoughts become things. TRUTH.

3. Say yes when they mean no.
~ Part of achieving high levels of success comes with setting healthy boundaries. It is knowing that there will be sacrifices on the way up. Our time is so very valuable and so it is critical to decline certain invitations, recognize true opportunities, and completely avoid drama.

4. Interrupt.
~ Successful people know how to listen. They seek first to understand. They make people around them feel important and seen and heard.

5. Arrive late.
~ One sure fire way to get folks to resent you and never ask you over again is to be late. It's a matter of respect.

6. Hold on to resentment, jealousy, or dislike.
~ See #2....

7. Allow fear to hold them back. 
~ We all have a fear of failing. Fear of being seen as inadequate. Fear of falling, losing, speaking in public, heights, crowds, whatever. Successful people FEEL that fear, recognize it as such and continue to put one foot in front of the other in pursuit of their dream.


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